Missed Connections by Tamara Mataya-1/5 Star Review

Sarah’s life is an ongoing storm. She lost her job as a paralegal and lost her beloved apartment as a result. Crashing on her best friend’s couch, the only thing that helps her keep her mind off of the chaos is browsing through online “Missed Connections” ads. She dreams of the day when someone will write one about her. One day her dream comes true and the storm becomes a tornado.

The plot was predictable and the main character was immature. I think the intention may have been to make her more of a damsel in distress but she came off as a manipulator playing the victim. She was stuck between developing feelings for someone online and trying to resist her feelings for someone she had been friends with for a long time offline. She only calls her best friend, Pete, to talk about her problems but not to listen to his problems. He calls her out on it at one point and his character kind of falls to the wayside after that. She enjoys getting revenge and creating drama. She was a paralegal but had to take a job at a new age spa. This is beneath her and her co-workers and bosses are out to get her. One co-worker who is especially out to get her has the name Phyllis, but the rest of the book she is called “Phuking Phyllis”. It may have been a clever moniker the first time that I read it but it was redundant the other times. All in all, I would not recommend this book.

Points of potential concern for other readers: there was foul language, bullying, stereotyping, potential for a hate crime, and sexual scenarios. If you are in or interested in the New Age lifestyle, this is definitely not a book for you.

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